Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ultrasound Scar Removal

Ultrasound Scar Removal

There are many scar treatment options patients can choose from, but not all of them are noninvasive or nonsurgical. In some cases, removing one scar can create another, making the scar removal process less attractive. Traditionally, scars have been removed with laser treatments, lightened with microdermabrasion or softened with treatment cream. While these are all effective to an extent, there are other treatment options. One of these is ultrasound scar removal.

How Ultrasound Scar Removal Works

Ultrasound therapy applies sound waves at a high frequency to affected portions of the skin using a handheld bodyscaping tool hooked up to an ultrasound machine, according to Dr. Schmuel Tatz of Body Tuning and Physical Therapy. While these sound waves cannot be heard by the human ear, they resonate deep into bodily tissues, heating and stimulating them without giving the patient any additional discomfort.

Ultrasound can improve scars because it revives collagen fibers and can potentially stimulate tissue repair.

Therapy with ultrasound, when coupled with essential oils, can reduce the appearance and smooth out scar tissue even in an old or mature scar, according to Dr. Richard Honour of This is due to the heat and stimulation that skin tissue receives from the vibration of the ultrasound waves.

Ultrasound Can Enhance Scar Healing

Dr. Honour suggests that when ultrasound is used in addition to essential oils, the ultrasound waves can help speed up the process of scar repair. Since most scars get irritated during the healing process, ultrasound can help alleviate this pain and discomfort, expediting the healing cycle while preventing the patient from giving into the urge to scratch, which could potentially cripple healthy healing.

Ultrasound Scar Removal for Burns

In a study conducted at the Burns and Plastic Surgery Centre in Bulgaria, ultrasound enhanced the effects of Contractubex Gel when applied to superficial burns, post-burn scars and keloids, which are overgrown areas of tissue at the site of a healing scar. In most cases, ultrasound treatment was more effective in enhancing the properties of the gel than just massaging it into the affected area of the skin as it heated the skin and stimulated regrowth of the collagen.

Home Ultrasound Scar Removal Therapy

If you're not comfortable visiting a doctor's office for ultrasound therapy, you or someone you trust can perform ultrasound scar therapy on your body at home using 2 in 1 Ultrasound Technology beauty equipment. This ultrasound therapy can help reduce the appearance of acne scars even if they've already been treated with a separate scar therapy treatment, according to It also removes the abnormal or darkly pigmented skin color that appears after the occurrence of a scar.

This equipment is typically sold for more than $200. Remember that in most cases, an ultrasound gel or essential oils should be used in conjunction with an ultrasound treatment to allow the tool to glide unimpeded over areas of skin.

Tags: Ultrasound Scar, essential oils, Ultrasound Scar Removal, cases ultrasound, most cases, most cases ultrasound, reduce appearance