Thursday, December 30, 2010

Integrate Technology Goals For Schools

Incorporating technology goals allows you to make sure they are met.

Technology goals speak to what should be seen in a classroom or school. The goals include how much technology students should be exposed to, what they will master, and how they will use it. It is crucial that you incorporate these technology goals into your school and into each lesson that you provide.


1. Become familiar with all of the goals, whether you helped to write them or you have no idea what they are. If you are familiar with them you can find ways to incorporate them into your everyday classroom.

2. Incorporate technology into every lesson, but change the type that you use based on the goals for each lesson. If you do the same thing over and over, some aspects of technology will be missing and you will not incorporate the goals fully.

3. Provide times for students to play with technology and experiment. This will not only help you meet your goals, but also will help students make it part of their lives and not just something they do for school.

Tags: each lesson, familiar with, into your, technology goals, they will