Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kids' Healthy Food & Activity Guide

Active children become healthy adults.

The level of childhood obesity is rising in the U.S. as well as in Europe and Canada. This can lead to serious health complications later in life if the child continues to be overweight. Teaching healthy lifestyles at a young age creates healthy adults.


Generally, children should follow the same nutritional advice as adults. Eat a variety of foods from each of the food groups -- whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy. After age 2, you can move to low-fat milks. Choose low-fat and low-sugar options and watch the portions your child eats. If kids are ready for a snack, choose healthy options rather than cookies or chips. It can be difficult to initially start your child on a diet, but keep them occupied and they will grow accustomed to new eating habits. It takes persistence and patience.

Healthy Eating Saboteurs

It is unrealistic to believe children will not want sweets, since many birthday parties and school gatherings include cookies, cake and soda. It's important to limit your child's sugar intake and watch for hidden sources of sugar. Fruit juices, particularly fruit cocktail, often contain added sugar. Chocolate milk may have protein and vitamins, but also as much sugar as a chocolate bar.


Video games and television are pervasive in today's society. It is difficult to imagine a child's day without some form of electronic entertainment. However, these games keep kids on the couch instead of outside playing. The U.S. Department of Agriculture states children need 60 minutes of activity nearly everyday. Try enrolling your child in a sport or activity such as dance. Even small activities such as going for walks, hikes or playing catch all count toward activity. Getting children active is easier than getting adults off the couch because all you have to do is encourage them to play, so start up a game of tag.

The Family's Role

Just like adults, children need support and guidance to make healthy decisions. Parents are strong role models. Children will grow up to emulate the eating and activity behaviors of their parents. Make physical activity and meal planning and preparation family activities. Choose a healthy recipe everyone likes, walk to the store for ingredients and cook away. You'll get family time, exercise and healthy meals.

Tags: your child, children need, healthy adults, will grow