Tuesday, May 21, 2013

About Breast Cancer Awareness Week

About Breast Cancer Awareness Week

Chances are, no matter where you live, at least once a year you will hear about Breast Cancer Awareness Week. Breast cancer is given a lot of attention, and for good reason. Here's a brief introduction to why awareness is so important.

Time Frame

Many health organizations, universities and schools host a Breast Cancer Awareness Week, often choosing to host their events in October to coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Breast cancer has a high incident rate among cancers, accounting for about 10% of all cancer diagnoses, meaning that most people will know someone with breast cancer or a breast-cancer survivor.


Breast Cancer Awareness Week activities will often include informational lectures, personal stories from breast-cancer survivors, free screenings and fundraising events and dinners for ongoing research.


Breast cancer has higher survival rates with early detection, so a week of heightened awareness can be critical in getting more women to get checked regularly.

Famous Ties

Breast-cancer awareness is often extolled by celebrities who are breast-cancer survivors themselves. Notables include: Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge and most recently, Christina Applegate.

Tags: Breast Cancer Awareness, Cancer Awareness, Awareness Week, Cancer Awareness Week, Breast Cancer, About Breast, About Breast Cancer