Thursday, June 17, 2010

Determine Eligibility For A Certificate Of Rehabilitation

To gain relief from being sentenced to state prison in the state of California, you can gain a certificate of rehabilitation. Determine your eligibility for a certificate of rehabilitation by completing certain items to prove you've been rehabilitated or are on your way to being rehabilitated.


1. Answer some questions about yourself and your crime and lay out the facts on paper. For example, your felony was convicted and served in the state of California. You were released from prison and were serving parole prior to May 13, 1943. You have not been to jail or prison since your first offense. You also need to be able to present proof of three years of residency in California.

2. Complete this next set of questions if the Step 1 questions do not apply.

Your felony or misdemeanor sex office is specified in the Penal Code section 290. You were discharged or released from probation. You are not on probation for any other felony. You have not been to jail or prison since your first offense. You can present proof of five years California residency.

3. Complete this next set of personal information if the Step 1 and Step 2 questions do not apply. You were convicted of a felony and you were sentenced to state prison or another institution after May 13th, 1943. You were discharged or released on parole. You can present proof of five years California residency.

Tags: present proof, been jail, been jail prison, California residency, certificate rehabilitation, Complete this