There are several ultrasound technician schools in the Chicago area.
Ultrasound technicians use their medical training to assist physicians in assessing patient diagnoses through medical equipment that uses sound waves to create images of a patient's internal organs. Ultrasound technicians, also known as sonograph technicians, can gain education through certification programs as well as through college courses. There are ultrasound technician schools all over the country, including the Chicagoland area.
College of Dupage
The College of Dupage is located in the western Chicago suburb of Glen Ellyn. The ultrasound program is one of the largest in the area. The program takes approximately 15 months to complete, during which time students learn diagnostic sonography, including obstetric and vascular imaging. The College of Dupage offers two types of ultrasound certificates: the Diagnostic Medical Imaging Sonography Certificate and the Diagnostic Medical Imaging Vascular Sonography Certificate. Upon completing the program, students must successfully pass the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers examination before becoming certified ultrasound technicians.
College of Dupage
425 Fawell Boulevard
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(630) 942-2800
Triton College
Triton College is located in River Grove, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. The school offers a comprehensive associate's degree program in ultrasound technology. Students complete courses in mathematics, history, humanities, ultrasound physics and technology. Sonography students also learn use ultrasound technology to perform abdominal, fetal and small body part scans. Triton College offers a degree and a certificate in sonography: an Associates Degree of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate.
Triton College
2000 5th Avenue
River Grove, IL 60171
(708) 456-0300
PCCTI, a school that offers employment-based training, is located in both downtown Chicago and Oakbrook, a western suburb of the city. One of the programs offered at PCCTI is diagnostic medical and vascular sonography. The school has medical labs that offer hands-on training with innovative ultrasound technology. Students learn anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, abdominal sonography, small organ sonography, obstetrical and gynecological sonography and vascular sonography. The program takes approximately 14 months to complete.
PCCTI Chicago Campus
216 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 920-8822
PCCTI Oak Brook Campus
2021 Midwest Road, Suite 300
Oak Brook, IL 60523
(630) 705-9999
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, located in downtown Chicago, offers a DMS (Diagnostic Medical Sonography) certificate at the end of an 18-month program. Students follow a clinically-based curriculum, including observing and practicing a number of obstetrical, abdominal, gynecological and neurological sonography procedures. Programs typically begin in July and end in December of the following year.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
541 N. Fairbanks Court, Suite 950
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 926-6609
Tags: College Dupage, Diagnostic Medical, Triton College, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Medical Sonography, Memorial Hospital