Monday, August 2, 2010

What Are The Dangers Of Breast Augmentation

Women get breast augmentation surgery to enhance the appearance of their breasts. They do so to increase their breast size, make their breasts look more symmetrical and reconstruct their breasts after a mastectomy. Surgeons place saline or silicone implants under breast muscle and tissue to achieve desired results. Like any surgical procedure, many dangers of breast augmentations can result from it.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture after a breast augmentation occurs when your body builds up scar tissue around breast implants. This is the body's natural response to surgery and can cause pain, hardened breasts and disfigurement. Mayo Clinic staff writer says that you need surgery to correct this condition on your breasts. According to, placing implants beneath chest muscles instead of on top usually prevents this condition from developing.

Rupture and Leakage

Ruptured implants cause fluid to leak into breast and surrounding tissue. You can rupture implants after experiencing a blunt injury such as striking the steering wheel during a car accident. A Mayo Clinic staff writer says leaks and cracks after breast augmentations also can occur that may be undetectable over a period of time. Slow leaks from saline implants cause your breast to loss their original shape, making breasts appear saggy and wrinkly. Surgeons use imaging tests to detect ruptures in silicone breast implants.


A danger that can occur after breast augmentation surgery is a hematoma. Hematomas are pools of blood and fluids in tissues around the implants, resulting in pain, bruising and infections. This condition occurs after surgery. Serious problems develop from hematomas and surgeons immediately drain these pools of blood and fluid. says surgeons insert a tube to drain excess fluid from breast tissue. The tubes can damage implants, leading to more surgery.


Infections can occur from any surgical procedure. In breast augmentation procedures, infections develop within the first six weeks after surgery. Antibiotics treat infections, which can take months to clear up. A Mayo Clinic staff writer says that if infections don't go away, surgeons remove implants and you have to wait six months to a year to get new implants. Infections increase your risks of developing capsular contracture. Reduce infection risks by following recovery instructions provided by your surgeon.

Loss of Sensitivity

You may experience loss of breast sensitivity or nipple numbness after breast augmentation. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons website says this condition can be temporary or permanent. Loss of sensitivity happens because nerve pathways shift or disrupt during breast surgery. says temporary sensitivity fades away in several days or a few months as nerves begin healing. Permanent nerve damage affects sexual response and ability to breastfeed.

Tags: after breast, breast augmentation, after breast augmentation, Clinic staff, Clinic staff writer