Monday, August 1, 2011

Ease The Discomfort Of Engorged Breasts

Having engorged breasts can make it painful to nurse your newborn

Many women experience painfully engorged breasts when they begin breastfeeding. If your breast become engorged when your milk comes in, your breasts may be so sensitive that it is very difficult and painful for you to nurse your baby. Although it can be very uncomfortable and even painful, it is important to nurse your baby regularly in order to establish your milk supply. Below are some tips for dealing with the pain of engorged breasts.


1. Use heat. Apply heat for a short period of time to your breasts at the begining of each feeding. This will help to soften the areola and encourage your milk flow. Place a washcloth dipped in warm water on your areolas.

2. Massage your breasts. Gently massage your breast while your baby is nursing. This will help to encourage you milk flow and ease the engorgement.

3. Use ice. Use ice packs after nursing to ease the pain of engorgement. You can also purchase special cooling inserts for your bra.

4. Purchase quality nursing bras. Always wear a well-constructed nursing bra. It is especailly important that painfully engorged breasts are constantly supported. Make sure that the bra is well-fitted and is neither too loose nor too tight.

5. Breastfeed your baby regularly. Although it can be uncomfortable, this is the best treatment for engorged breasts. The less your baby nurses, the more your milk will build up, and the more engorged your breasts will become. The more often your nurse your newborn, the faster the engorgement will ease.

6. Use a breast pump. If your baby doesn't nurse enough to ease your discomfort, use a breast pump. Take care not to pump too much, just enough to relieve the engorgement.

7. Change your baby's nursing position from one feeding to the next. This will help to ensure that all of the milk ducts are being emptied.

Tags: your baby, engorged breasts, nurse your, your breasts, your milk, This will, This will help