Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Do To Make My Breasts Bigger

If you happen to be one of the many women who is unhappy with your small chest, you may be asking what you can do to make your breasts bigger. Although the only sure way to get a bigger chest is through breast implant surgery, there are many other options you may want to explore first--especially considering the possible negative side effects of surgery, including obstructed mammography, breastfeeding issues, infection and possible leakage. Does this Spark an idea?


Exercise is one way you can increase the size of the muscles under your breasts and give them a firmer appearance. By improving your posture through strengthening your back muscles, your chest will stick out further, and your breasts will look bigger. Some weight exercises for the chest include push ups, wall-ups, bench presses, machine chest presses, dumbbell or machine flies, inclined presses and butterflies. Start with six to eight repetitions of each exercise and slowly increase how many reps and sets you do. Along with weight lifting, try swimming to improve the muscle tone in your chest.


You can eat certain foods that might be beneficial in enhancing your chest size. Since breasts are made of fatty tissue, one way to increase their size is to eat more fatty foods and gain weight, but this is only a good option if you are currently underweight. If you are a healthy weight, then becoming heavier could cause health issues that aren't worth your enhanced chest size.

Some people believe that there are certain foods that can help breasts grow. One theory is that foods like red meat and milk products can help increase chest size since the animals that produce them have often been injected with hormones. Another idea is that foods that contain phytoestrogens, or plant hormones similar to estrogen, can be beneficial. Some foods and supplements that contain phytoestrogens include lentils, oats, soybeans, carrots and celery, as well as fennel, fenugreek, alfalfa, dong quai, ginseng, gingko biloba, carrot root leaves and saw palmetto. Other foods with healthy fats that could help plump up breasts include olive oil, nuts and seeds. Also, consuming lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables can improve the skin's elasticity.

Other Options

Besides surgery, exercise and diet, you can try some other options to increase your chest size. One is something called biostimulation. This technique, used by such celebrities as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, sends gentle electrical pulses to contract and relax your breasts up to 900 times an hour. Another possibility is "Bust Up" gum, which releases phytoestrogen as you chew it. You can also try some of the breast-firming creams or lotions on the market. Just be sure you know any possible side effects you might experience, and realize that you may be spending money on something that won't be effective. They also may not be FDA approved.

Some therapists recommend the power of positive thinking and suggest that if you think bigger and concentrate on sending your fat cells to your breasts, that you can effectively increase their size. In addition, many women experience increased breast size when the are pregnant and breastfeeding; however, these results are often only temporary, and breasts can return to their smaller size afterward.

Tags: your breasts, chest size, your chest, foods that, certain foods, certain foods that