Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Are The Causes Of Tenderness In Breast For Men

What Are the Causes of Tenderness in Breast for Men?

Tender breasts in males are almost always caused by gynecomastia, which is swelling of the breast tissue. Although gynecomastia doesn't pose any real threat to your health, notes Mayo Clinic, it can be embarrassing to have large male breasts.


Many boys develop gynecomastia during puberty as their estrogen and testosterone levels rapidly change. As they mature, these hormone levels should stabilize, and the gynecomastia will usually go away on its own, states Medline Plus.

Increased Risk

Certain medications increase the risk of gynecomastia in men, including prescription drugs used to treat anxiety, AIDS and cancer. Excessive alcohol consumption and anabolic steroid, marijuana and heroin use can also increase your risk.


Many men who just have excessive fat around their breasts believe that they have gynecomastia when they actually have pseudogynecomastia, which is caused by obesity.


Two effective types of surgery to treat gynecomastia are liposuction, which removes the fat in the breast, and mastectomy, which actually removes the breast gland tissue.


To diagnose a patient with gynecomastia to make sure it actually is the cause of breast tenderness, a doctor will ask about your family and medical histories and about the medications you are taking. She may also examine your breast tissue, abdomen and genitals.

Rare Causes of Tender Breasts

Other causes of tender male breasts are rare and include male breast cancer and a breast abscess (mastitis).

Tags: breast tissue, Causes Tenderness, Causes Tenderness Breast, male breasts, removes breast