Monday, May 6, 2013

Look For Ultrasound Training Schools

Ultrasound technicians use sonic waves to test for illness and verify pregnancy.

Ultrasound technicians (also known as medical sonographers or diagnostic medical sonographers) are technicians that administer ultrasound testing to patients for the purposes of diagnosing illness and confirming pregnancy. Ultrasound technicians work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, diagnostic imaging centers, gastroenterology practices and obstetrics/gynecology practices. Private and public schools across the country offer training programs in ultrasound technology. Those serious about a career in this field should choose an accredited school that offers a program leading to a Technical Certificate of Completion (TCC) or an Associate's or Bachelor's degree.


1. Decide on the geographical area in which you want to attend school. Remember that schools close to major hospitals may have relationships with those hospitals, and may be able to help you find a job after graduation. If you choose to attend a school outside your area of residence, you must consider moving expenses and possibly out-of-state tuition expenses. However, because some ultrasound programs are more highly regarded than others, this may be worth the expense.

2. Consult websites for public, private and technical schools in your search area to determine which schools have the program you are seeking. If you are unsure of where to start, try entering "Ultrasound Training" or "Medical Sonography Training" into your browser's search field, along with the desired state. Also check comment boards run by or for sonographers to see which schools the professionals recommend.

3. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can find information on public schools by calling the technical college system for your state. Private schools are often listed in business directories and phone books. Search for colleges that offer health care technology programs, then contact those schools to see if they offer an ultrasound program.

4. Review each program to determine which best fits your needs. Consider course offerings, reputation, accreditation, time of classes, tuition and fees and availability of financial aid. Also consider admissions requirements. You may want to visit several schools in person before making a final choice. Remember to find out which programs offer sonography practicums or internships, so that you will get hands-on experience in the field.

Tags: Ultrasound technicians, attend school, determine which, medical sonographers, pregnancy Ultrasound