Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cure Cysts Naturally

Cysts are sac-like growths rooted deep in the skin. People have often tried to explore natural remedies to "cure" cysts, but according to Keith Whitmer, dermatologist at the Gainesville Dermatology Skin Surgery center in Florida, "there is no way of drawing out the material" inside a cyst, and "no study has shown that a topical remedy" works to cure or treat it. Cutaneous cysts on the skin's surface are genetic and caused by incomplete fusion during embryonic development, according to dermatologist Niels Holm.

However, because cysts can irritate your skin by getting inflamed, there are natural home remedies you can use to soothe the irritation.


1. Soak a soft washcloth in warm water, wring out excess water and dab it at the site of irritation. Repeat as many times as you like. The heat from the warm washcloth should temporarily soothe the discomfort caused by the cyst.

2. Create a mix of sandalwood paste and rosewater and apply to the site for about half an hour. According to Ayurveda, the ancient Hindu holistic system of healing, the treatment can to be used for acne irritation, but the combination has also been suggested by a home remedies website to soothe cyst inflammation as well.

3. Create a paste from turmeric powder and mint juice. Apply this to the cyst for 10 to 20 minutes to cool the skin.

Tags: home remedies