Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Easy Topics For An Argumentative Paper

Writing a research paper is a skill you focus on during your high school years. An argumentative research paper requires that you pick a topic that is controversial and present a strong argument either for or against it, using specific examples and facts to back your position. An easy topic for an agumentative paper is one you feel passionately about, because you are more likely to enjoy the time and effort spent researching the topic.


An ever-controversial topic is the taxation system in the United States. Income taxes are "progressive," meaning they collect higher percentages from people with higher incomes, splitting income levels into brackets with ranges. Someone who is single and makes $100,000 in taxable income pays 28 percent of his income, or $28,000, while someone who makes $15,000 in taxable income pays 15 percent, or $2,250, according to MoneyChimp. A flat tax, such as a sales tax, charges the same percentage on everyone. Proponents of a flat tax say taxation needs to be the same for all, while those against argue that it places a strain on people in lower income brackets.

Welfare System

The welfare system in the United States supports people and families who fall below the poverty level by giving them money, food or housing. Food stamps are distributed to help families purchase groceries, while other aid types include partial rent assistance, subsidized child care or Section 8 housing with significantly lower or no rent costs. Some people think it is the nation's responsibility to support its needy citizens, while others argue that people should work to support themselves without government interference.


Abortion is a debatable topic in many households, among women's rights groups and in government. Some people think abortion shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances, while others think there should be no restrictions on abortion because it is a woman's private and personal choice to do what she wants with her body. In the middle are people who think abortion should be allowed, but with limits on its availability.

Official Language

The United States does not have an official language, but the majority of its citizens speak English as their primary language. As cultural integration continues with immigrants coming to the United States from Mexico, Canada and overseas, new cultures and languages are introduced. Some people think the United States needs to adopt English as its official language, while others encourage diversity and think official publications and documents should be in multiple languages to allow access for all people regardless of their native language.

Universal Health Care

The United States does not have universal public health care, and most health insurance is privatized. The federal Medicaid system provides health insurance to people who fall below the poverty line, but the system does not help many middle-class people who make too much money to qualify for public health insurance but not enough to afford private insurance. Some people think the government should provide health insurance for all people, regardless of income. Others think it is not the government's responsibility or that the government cannot afford an expanded public role in the health care system.

Tags: United States, people think, health insurance, Some people, Some people think, while others, argue that