Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Are The Dangers Of Granite Counters

Granite can pose a radon and radiation danger.

Granite is a very popular stone for home construction projects, and is found in floors, counter tops, and even walls. Granite comes in a variety of colors and is usually sealed so that water and other liquids cannot soak into and ruin the surface of the stone. Granite is actually made of many different types of minerals, such as quartz and feldspar. It is this wide range of minerals that creates the possibility of dangers from granite counter tops. Does this Spark an idea?


Radon is essentially a radioactive gas. All elements produce a certain amount of low-level radiation, and if left uncontained, this radiation can seep through the soil and into homes. Granite itself can serve as a repository for radon, increasing levels of radon in the home. Radon is monitored by organizations like the Environmental Protection Agency, and in high doses it can cause a variety of illnesses, notably lung cancer.

The EPA and other organizations have studied the dangers of radon in granite counter tops, and have decided that there is no need to remove granite counter tops from existing houses. However, there is a possibility that the rare radon-loaded granite counter top may be responsible for higher levels of radon in homes, and need to be replaced. Tests can pinpoint dangerous radon levels and their causes.

Gamma Radiation

Gamma radiation is a type of electro-magnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans, causing radiation sickness and cancers if exposed to high amounts. Granite tops can emit a high amount of gamma radiation, but the instance is rare, and there is no way to find out which counters may release these hazardous amounts without testing. Measurements of gamma radiation will only show the exposure rate at the surface of the granite: it does not show what the average radiation dose is for those living in the house, which makes it difficult to judge exact danger.

Microbial Growth

Because stone surfaces can be porous, especially those without heavy sealers in place, they can foster the growth of bacteria that sinks down into the stone. This becomes a problem with granite counter tops that are not regularly cleaned. Dangerous bacteria can develop and find their way into foods prepared carelessly on the counter. Granite is more prone to this bacteria colonization than other types of stone.

Tags: counter tops, granite counter, granite counter tops, levels radon