Sunday, November 18, 2012

What Are The Benefits Of A Corporate Health Promotion Program

Corporate health promotion programs can help your employees lead healthier lives.

Corporate health promotion programs are company-wide initiatives to help promote health and wellness in the workplace. According to the California Department of Personnel Administration, there is evidence to suggest that investing in the health of your employees through workplace wellness programs can lead to substantial long-term savings for your company. When starting a corporate health promotion program, you can hire a vendor who specializes in corporate health and wellness or choose a team of internal employees to help develop your program.

Save Money

Corporate health promotion programs can provide a return on investment of $3 for every $1 you invest according to the Infinite Health Coach. In addition, you can save as much as $6 in insurance costs for each $1 you invest in corporate health and wellness, according to the California Department of Personnel Administration. Research conducted at the University of Michigan suggests that employers can save $1,100 a year for each employee who quits smoking; $269 per year for every employee who starts exercising regularly; and $1,200 per year for every employee who drops his cholesterol level from 240 to 190 milligrams.

Improve Employee Health

Corporate health promotion programs can help your employees achieve better health outcomes by teaching them make healthy changes in their lives. These programs educate your employees about eat healthier and exercise properly. They can help your employees reduce their risk of heart disease, lower their cholesterol, lose weight and feel better about themselves. The U.S. Public Health Service states that 60 percent of Americans do not exercise regularly. By educating your employees about exercise and nutrition, you can improve the collective health of your workforce.

Boost Morale

In addition to cutting costs and improving the overall health of your employees, corporate health promotion programs also can help improve morale at your company. When your employees are happy, it can lead to productivity gains. A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report in 2002 concluded that companies with corporate wellness programs can increase employee productivity by anywhere from 2 to 52 percent. Helping your employees improve their quality of life can pay dividends for your business.

Reduce Employee Absenteeism

Another benefit of corporate health promotion programs is they can reduce the number of sick days your employees take. Healthier employees lead to less absenteeism, which in turn leads to increased productivity. Small reductions in absenteeism among your employers can result in big cost savings, especially for larger companies.

Tags: your employees, health promotion programs, promotion programs, health promotion, health promotion, health wellness, health your