Monday, October 12, 2009

Cancer Treatments For Dogs

One of the first signs of cancer in dogs is the appearance of mast cell tumors. Some treatments will destroy these tumors or ease the pain for your animal.


Palladia is a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat skin tumors that exist in one-fifth of canine cancer cases. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor works by killing tumor cells and cutting off the tumor's blood supply.


Dogs who have benign tumors most likely will be treated with surgery. Removing benign tumors destroys the tumor and prevents it from spreading and developing into cancerous tumors.


Like humans, dogs can receive radiation for their cancer. Radiation works by targeting a specific area that the tumor has affected. This treatment is available only at specialized vets and can only treat cancer that has not spread.


Chemotherapy is used when the cancer in dogs has spread. Although chemotherapy treats cancer, it does not prolong the life of your dog.


Heat treatments change cancer cells, so one way vets treat cancer is with hyperthermia. This treatment is often used alongside radiation.

Tags: benign tumors, cancer dogs, This treatment, treat cancer