Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Grants For An Academic Professor

Academic professors complete extensive research outside of the classroom.

Although typically associated with teaching college classes, academic professors have other interests outside of the classroom. Some professors perform extensive research in their field of study that will aid their students, further their own knowledge or make an impact on the world. Some companies, colleges and government agencies recognize the importance of this research and provide grants for these academic professors to pay for research materials and projects.

HHMI Professors Grant

Sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the HHMI Professors Grant is intended for research-active undergraduate-level professors who teach at doctoral and research universities. The grant recipients are expected to work with their undergraduate students at their university as well as share their scientific research techniques with other schools.

More information for the grant, including an application, can be found at www.hhmi.org/grants/individuals/professors.html.

NVIDIA Professor Partnership Program

The NVIDIA Professor Partnership Program is not a grant program; however, through the Professor Partnership academic professors can receive funding from the company in the form of an unrestricted cash grant for research and developing new curriculum for students. Beyond that, there are other benefits to the Professor Partnership, including research equipment donations or discounted lab equipment for the professor's school and financial support of the school's curricular activities. Interested professors who wish to apply for the partnership should apply online at http://www.nvidia.com/page/professor_partnership.html.

National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program

The National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program was designed for junior level faculty at a university who are exemplary teachers and researchers and know integrate their talents to meet their university's needs. Applicants for the program must complete a proposal in their field of study, and the award winner will get his research funded. More information about the award, including proposal guidelines, can be found at the National Science Foundation's website, http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503214.

Tags: Professor Partnership, National Science, National Science Foundation, Science Foundation, academic professors