Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Are Silicone Breast Implants Dangerous For Women

Are Silicone Implants Dangerous?

There are many reasons why women want breast implants. Maybe you had a mastectomy and need to have one or both of your breasts reconstructed, or perhaps you just want larger breasts. Silicone implants have been around a long time, but you might wonder what problems are associated with them and how safe they are.

Types of Implants

The Food and Drug Administration has only approved two types of breast implants. Silicone gel breast implants are filled with silicone gel. The silicone filler gives the appearance and feel of a natural breast.

Cohesive Gel Implants are silicone implants that are made to have more of a solid feel than the others, and unlike the other implants, they will hold their shape and size.

How Long They Last

Silicone implants are not intended to last your whole life. It is a good idea to have them examined after three years to make sure they are in place and don't have any ruptures. In addition, you will probably have to have them removed, or replaced in your lifetime, which will require additional surgery.


Sometimes an implant will rupture. According to the Mayo Clinic, if an implant ruptures, it can allow the silicone gel inside to leak, which may cause inflammation and possibly cause additional scar tissue to grow. Symptoms of a ruptured implant would be pain, swelling, burning, redness in the breast, hard lumps in the affected breast, change in breast size or shape, or softening/hardening in the affected breast.

Breast Cancer

According to the National Organization for Women, breast implants interfere with mammogram tests. The result of this is more tumors being missed due to breast implants. Additionally, many women experience such painful, sensitive breasts from the implants, that they don't want to have mammograms done.


There are other risks that doctors often don't tell you. According to the National Organization of Women, some of the side effects many women experience are chronic fatigue, dry mouth, insomnia, stiff joints, muscles weakness and memory impairment.

Tags: breast implants, According National, According National Organization, affected breast, have them