Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Convert A Bitmap To Vector

Converting a bitmap to vector is easy.

Manipulating points of an image is often easier when the image is in vector format rather than a bitmap format. Converting a bitmap to vector is easy if you have Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator software on your computer. Here's convert a bitmap to vector:


1. Start Adobe Photoshop and open the bitmap image you want to convert to vector.

2. In Adobe Photoshop, click "File" at the top of the menu, then choose "Export" and then "Paths To Illustrator".

3. Save the file as an Adobe Illustrator file in the folder of your choice.

4. Close Adobe Photoshop and start Adobe Illustrator. Open the Adobe Illustrator file you just saved in Photoshop.

5. You image will now be in vector form and you can change colors, manipulate points or apply filters as needed. Keep in mind that the software may not break up each part of the image exactly how you want it, so you may need to play around with the vector image to adjust it.

Tags: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator file, bitmap vector, bitmap vector easy, Converting bitmap