Friday, April 13, 2012

What Does Breast Cancer Do To The Body


The entire body is made of healthy cells. Over the course of time, these cells can occasionally become mutated and replicate. When this happens, these cells clump together and form tumors, or lumps. This can happen anywhere on the body, but the breasts are one of the most affected places. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common type in women, and although it is rare, men can also get afflicted as well. One thing that breast cancer does is create lumps on the breasts. These can sometimes cause a bloody or clear discharge from the nipples.


The breasts can also go through some other changes when cancer develops. For example, the skin and shape of the breasts can be come distorted. Indentions can appear on the breasts in areas where there are lumps and also the skin can become irritated, red and have a pitted look to it. The contour and size of the breasts can also change as a result of cancer.


When cancer develops in the breasts, the cells grow quickly and travel to other parts of the body. This is a process called metastasizing. The first place these cells usually go is the lymph nodes. The lymph system in the body transports a watery substance throughout the whole system that is used for immunity. When breast cancers cells get into the lymph system, it can then travel to other parts of the body and it can also compromise the body's immunity. The underarms are one of the first and most common areas that it spreads. If the condition keeps getting worse, then it can attack the organs of the body such as the brain, lungs and liver for example. It can also travel to the bones.


The body also gets affected by treatment for breast cancer. One type is called a mastectomy. In this procedure, the cancer has taken over a good area of the breast and the whole breast has to be removed. Local lymph glands will also be removed to help prevent the spread. Breast reconstruction can be done by extracting tissue from other areas of the body like the lats or stomach and a fake breast is then made. They are also made with silicone implants.

In a less involved procedure, a lumpectomy is performed to remove a small lump and some tissue around it. This can leave a scar on the breast.


There are some other treatments that can also take place with breast cancer, which can also cause some side effects to the body. Some of these treatments are radiotherapy, chemotherapy and medications. After receiving these treatments, the body can experience red irritated skin, hair loss, weight gain, vomiting and nausea.

Tags: breast cancer, these cells, body also, breasts also, cancer develops, lymph system, most common