Thursday, April 12, 2012

Do A Health Assessment

Sometimes you might want to take a look at your overall health to determine what steps you may need to take in order to optimize your wellness. Doing a health assessment involves looking at many aspects of your life. Here are some ways you can perform a checkup on yourself to find out if you are in optimal health.


1. Assess your smoking habits. How much do you smoke? If you smoke, quit. Smoking is the number one leading cause of cancer and will definitely decrease your overall health and well-being.

2. Be honest about your alcohol intake. Drinking more than a few glasses of beer or wine per week will definitely decrease your health levels. If you drink on a regular basis, you are likely doing damage to your liver and other internal organs. Stop drinking alcohol and switch to a healthier beverage, such as water, to optimize wellness.

3. Test your fitness. Go to the gym and have your fitness levels tested. This test is often free with many fitness memberships. They will be able to tell you how you stack up against other people your age.

4. See your doctor. Get to the doctor and have a series of blood test to find out if your cholesterol, heart, thyroid, hormones, eyes, hearing, stress and other body systems are functioning normally. Usually asking for a stress test and an overall wellness check will ensure that you get a good checkup.

5. Think about your relationships. It is important to develop strong family and social ties. Do you have a group of friends with who you socialize regularly? Having strong relationships can increase your feelings of wellness by releasing natural endorphins that lead to less anxiety and depression.

6. Consider your line of work. Get a job you like if possible. If you do not like your job, maybe you should be looking at other options. Having a job that you dislike can increase your stress levels, which leads to adverse health affects.

7. Look at the big picture. Assessing overall health means analyzing all areas of your life. Is your life in balance? Do you take time to play as well as work? In order to do a reliable health assessment, look at all of these areas and make necessary changes to promote your own health and well-being.

Tags: overall health, your life, about your, decrease your, definitely decrease, definitely decrease your