Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Types Of Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that starts in cells of the breast. The disease occurs primarily in women, but men can get breast cancer as well. There are several ways in which your breast may reveal an abnormality that could be a result of breast cancer.

Cause of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Cancerous cells divide at a much swifter pace than do normal cells. These malignant cells gather and develop into a tumor that can mushroom (metastasize) throughout your breast and travel to your lymph nodes and sometimes other organs. Breast cancer typically originates with cells that are stationed in the milk-producing ducts.

Breast Cancer Risks

According to the Mayo Clinic, about five to 10 percent of breast cancers are believed to be genetic.

The chance of getting breast cancer increases with age.

In addition, women who began menstruating before age 12 or began menopause after age 55 are more susceptible to the disease.

Women who regularly drink alcoholic beverages are at higher risk of breast cancer.

It remains unclear, however, why some women at high risk of breast cancer never succumb to the disease, while a theoretically low-risk woman develops breast cancer.


Sometimes there are no obvious symptoms that breast cancer is present. That's why mammograms are encouraged to help detect the disease. The American Cancer Society recommends women begin getting annual mammograms in their 40s.

A woman with a family history of breast cancer may undergo the X-ray even sooner.

Women are encouraged to conduct monthly breast self-exams. There are several symptoms to watch out for that may indicate a malignancy.

Lumps and Thickening

A possible indication of cancer in the breast is when an obvious lump is detected or when there is a thickening in the breast that feels out of the ordinary. An infected breast may also change in shape or size. There may also be a dimpling or other definite textural changes to the breast.

Nipple Abnormalities

When breast cancer is present there may be noticeable changes in the nipple area. Your nipple may become inverted or the nipple skin may be flaky. There may even be a bloody discharge excreting from the nipple.

Breast Discoloration

Breast cancer may also cause the skin over the breast to become red and take on a texture similar to that of an orange.

See Your Doctor

If you are experiencing any possible signs of breast cancer, make an appointment at once to see your doctor. He or she will conduct further tests and procedures used to diagnose breast cancer. They may include a breast exam, evaluation of sample breast cells (biopsy,) a mammogram, ultrasound or an MRI.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer present