Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christian Float Ideas

A float should aim to be vibrant and colorful because these characteristics make a float stand out from the rest. Though the bible and Christian history offer plenty of float ideas, an idea should be chosen if it can easily be transformed into a colorful image. In addition, the overall message of a float should be considered.

Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden offers a viable option for a float. Its description in Genesis 1 is full of colorful language that can easily be transformed into a float that grabs people's attention. In addition, God's role in the creation of the world is one of the fundamental tenets of Christian theology.

Jesus Feeding the 5,000

The feeding of the 5,000 is an interesting option especially if your float is commemorating Thanksgiving. The story highlights Jesus' ability to provide for his children, a message that will be relevant on Thanksgiving. In addition to its theological relevance, the float can be made colorful by highlighting the countryside, where the event takes place.

Paul's Commission on the Damascus Road

This story culminates with Paul being blinded by a bright light on the road to Damascus. The event in and of itself will be easy to capture in a float. Theologically, this event is what propelled Paul to be the first Christian missionary.

The Giving of the Law

This event, spoken of in Deuteronomy 5, is one of the more important events in biblical history. Deuteronomy does an excellent job of painting the picture of this scene. This offers an interesting option for floats because of the importance placed upon the setting in Deuteronomy. Emphasis is placed on a flaming mountain, trumpets and a great crowd of people; all of which will make your float vibrant.

Tags: easily transformed, easily transformed into, float should, Garden Eden, interesting option