Friday, December 25, 2009

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Schools In Pennsylvania

Diagnostic medical sonographers work in hospitals, clinics and private practice. The sonographer uses ultrasound to create images of growing fetuses, body organs, even the brain. In Pennsylvania, there are many outlets to get your training. Training consists of anything from a few weeks certificate to a full-fledged four-year bachelor's of science. Pennsylvania's State Board of Medicine regulates all sonography jobs in the state and recognizes sonographers as medical professionals.

ultrasound image

Thomas Jefferson University

Thomas Jefferson University is an independent medical school located in Philadelphia. It was founded in 1842 and has three divisions, one of which is Health professionals. the school of Health Professionals offers a B.S. in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and prepares students to become ultrasound and sonography technicians.

School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography

The School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography is located in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania. What makes this program different is that it is held in the Wilkes-Barr General Hospital. The school offers an 18-month program that instructs the student in "abdominal, OB/GYN, high resolution scanning and introduction to non-invasive vascular sonography." This is a competitive program, accepting only four students each term. Upon finishing the 18-month course, the student receives a Certificate of Completion and has the knowledge necessary to take the National certification exam.

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Bloomsburg University, in central Pennsylvania, is one of few institutions in Pennsylvania where one can obtain a bachelor's in sonography. The degree is in "Medical Imaging" and has extensive training in sonography and diagnositics. The schools describes the program on its website as "rigorous and demanding" and warns that "students should be prepared to study in both academic and clinical environments and have a strong background in all the sciences."

Drexel University

Drexel offers sonography training as part of its associate and bachelor's degrees in its Medical and Health Professionals Studies program in Philadelphia. The program is two to four years, depending on the student's specialization and focus.

Pennsylvania College of Technology

The Pennsylvania College of Technology is a division of Penn State in Williamsport. They have a 13-credit course load couple with 1,500 hours of hands-on practice, resulting in a Competency Credential. The mix of theory and practice make this course a good choice for those who learn by doing and want the minimum of academics.

Sanford-Brown Institute - Philadelphia

The Sanford-Brown Institute is located in Philadelphia and offers a Certificate of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. According to its website, the school works closely with employers to ensure that the program is relevant to the student and to increase the prospect of employment upon graduation.


Not all programs are accredited. You can easily verify a sonography school by going to the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, or CAAHEP Degrees in Diagnostic Medical Sonography are just starting to appear in catalogs as the field grows and the training becomes more regulated.

Tags: Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Medical Sonography, Diagnostic Medical, Diagnostic Medical, Bloomsburg University, College Technology