Friday, September 11, 2009

Kick And Breathe While Swimming

Good kicking and breathing technique while swimming makes your moves more efficient. You won't waste energy and effort trying to wing it or trying to recover from improper form. Have a plan by knowing the specific moves your body needs to do while you're swimming.


1. Breathe in and out through your mouth when swimming. Take the air in while your face is out of the water and exhale when your face is back under the water. Your exhaled breath makes bubbles.

2. Rotate your whole body to the side when you are coming up for air, instead of just rotating your head. This keeps you balanced from your core.

3. Take a breathe every two arm strokes--which comprises a stroke cycle. Decide which direction is most comfortable for your breathing: either turning your head to the right or left will feel more natural. The arm opposite the side you rotate to for breathing gets extended.

4. Use two-beat kicking if your legs naturally stay near the water's surface. A two-beat kick is when each of your legs go up and down once per stroke cycle.

5. Try four- or six-beat kicking if your legs need more help staying up or if you feel like you're sinking.

6. Keep your kicking strong, to prevent creating drag, which causes your arms to have to work harder to help your body move forward in the water. Strong kicking consists of small and fast kicks in a rhythm. They don't cause a lot of splash.

Tags: your legs, kicking your, kicking your legs, stroke cycle, your body