Monday, September 14, 2009

Get Cheap Dental Work

Finding low-cost dental care is possible.

Proper dental care is important for everyone, from young children to adults and seniors. Brushing and flossing regularly helps, but regular dental examinations need to be done once or twice per year, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, dental exams can be expensive, and if the exam shows you need additional work to correct a problem, costs can skyrocket. If you don't have dental insurance, or your dental insurance won't fully cover exams and procedures, you can get the dental work you need done for less.

Dental Schools

Dental schools are an excellent way for patients to receive low-cost dental care, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Most dental schools are set up so that students see patients under the supervision of an experienced, licensed dentist, helping them gain knowledge and experience. At many schools, post-graduate and faculty clinics are available, often for difficult procedures that require more training. Dental hygiene schools may offer low-cost preventative treatments such as teeth cleaning as well.

Federally Funded Community Health Centers

Federally funded community health centers are available in many areas to help provide comprehensive, quality health care to medically underserved communities and vulnerable populations, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Medical and dental services are provided, and fees are adjusted according to what you can afford to pay. Use the health center finder on the Health Resources and Services Administration website to locate a dental clinic near you. The Health Resources and Services Administration can also help you find a clinic that is federally approved, but not federally funded. These clinics are referred to as "look-alikes." "Look-alikes" are public or private non-profit clinics that operate and provide services consistent with all statutory, regulatory and policy requirements that apply to federally funded health care centers, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Fees for look-alike clinics are based on what you can afford to pay as well.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials can help patients receive dental care at low or no cost for participating in dental research studies. However, clinical trials are subject to availability, and your dental issue must fit the criteria for research subjects. To find clinical trials in your area, check the U.S. National Institutes of Health clinical trials website.

Talk to Your Dentist

Many dentists are willing to work with patients who don't have dental insurance, especially if you have a long relationship with a dentist. Some dentists provide lower pricing for uninsured patients for regular checkups and procedures, others may not, but you need to ask. Discuss payment arrangements with your doctor as well. He may allow you to pay off dental bills over the course of a few months or up to a year, with or without interest, making it possible for you to afford dental care.

Tags: dental care, dental insurance, Health Resources, Health Resources Services, Resources Services