Thursday, March 26, 2009

Symptoms Of Breast Malignancies

According to the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer is the leading cancer among women; in the first four months of 2009, more than 190,000 new cases were diagnosed and it has taken more than 40,000 lives. Every 68 seconds, another woman dies from this disease. Knowing the symptoms of this devastating disease can help lower these numbers; the earlier the cancer is detected and treated, the higher the survival rate.


This is generally the first sign of breast cancer. A lump may be discovered by you or your doctor, and if is painless, hard and has uneven edges, it is more likely to be a breast malignancy.

Nipple Changes

If your nipple turns inward, the skin around it becomes thick, or discharge other than milk leaks from it, you need to see your doctor.

Skin Appearance

If there is a redness of the skin around the breast, or the skin itself becomes scaly, irritated, or becomes dimpled, it may be due to a breast malignancy.


Pain in the breast, nipple or the skin around the breast are also indications of a breast malignancy.

Early Detection

Early detection is crucial to receiving the best results from your treatments and increasing your survival rate. Early detection can be achieved by performing regular self breast exams and having annual mammograms.


Though the above symptoms may not always be an indication of a breast malignancy, any time there is a change your breast, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Tags: breast malignancy, skin around, around breast, breast cancer, more than, skin around breast, survival rate