Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Know If You Are In Menopause

Menopause is something that happens to every woman as she gets older. It is sometimes called "the change of life" because of all the changes going on in her body. Although menopause usually starts when a woman is in her 50s, it can also happen at an earlier or later age. There are signs that every woman experiences to let her know she has reached menopause.


1. Hot flashes are a common sign of menopause. They can last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and they usually affect the neck, face and shoulders. The affected areas get red and flushed-looking and warm to the touch. Night sweats are another form of hot flashes that can make sleeping difficult. Not all women experience hot flashes and some women experience only hot flashes during menopause.

2. Some women have regular periods all their lives until menopause, at which point they become irregular or become heavier or lighter. This is because of a decrease in the production of estrogen in your body. Most women are finished with menopause when it has been a year since their last period.

3. There are women who are unfortunate enough to experience vaginal dryness during menopause, which can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable or painful. Menopause can also cause a woman's sex drive to slow or stop altogether. This is also due to decreasing estrogen production. Vaginal and urinary tract infections may occur more often during menopause.

4. Women who are in menopause may have mood swings, which may at times be severe. If you are having trouble with anxiety and depression, you should see a doctor.

5. Because of a loss of estrogen in the body, our bones start losing mass. This can lead to osteoporosis. Heavier women have more problems with osteoporosis than thin women. Taking vitamin D and calcium supplements can help slow down bone loss, and to some extent help slow weight gain.

Tags: during menopause, every woman, help slow, menopause which, women experience