Friday, March 20, 2009

Defeat Last Stand In "Plants Vs Zombies"

"Plants Vs. Zombies" is a "tower defense" video game released for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Apple iOS, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo DS and Android. Players usesa variety of plants to protect their house and yard from invading zombie hordes. Each plant has a special defensive or offensive function and players must select the most appropriate plants for use on each board. "Last Stand" is a mini-game that becomes available for purchase in-game after beating Adventure Mode and 13 other mini-games. The key to defeating the level is utilizing the correct plants and placing them in the correct locations in the yard.


1. Bring these seeds with you into battle: lily pad, pumpkin, gold magnet, magnet-shroom, marigold, starfruit, spikeweed, spikerock and cattail.

2. Plant two rows of marigolds at the back of the yard, near the house.

3. Plant two rows of starfruits on the third and fourth rows, in front of the marigolds.

4. Place a pumpkin on the starfruits nearest to the pool on the right side of the yard.

5. Plant two cattails next to the starfruits you just placed pumpkins on, then put pumpkins on the cattails.

6. Place two magnet-shrooms at strategic positions of your choosing.

7. Plant other plants as you see fit, as the current selection is enough to protect your yard. Replace lost plants as necessary and defend your yard!

Tags: Last Stand, Plant rows, Plants Zombies, your yard