Monday, March 2, 2009

Breast Sensitivity Problems

Breast Sensitivity Problems

Most of the time, adult women don't have sensitive breasts; however, if a woman is experiencing a surge of hormones (estrogen) right before her period, during menopause or during the first trimester of pregnancy, this can result in extremely sensitive breasts. Other medical conditions also can cause breast sensitivity including fibrocystic breast disease. Breasts can become so sore and sensitive that you can't stand for anything or anyone to touch your breasts. You can't lie on your stomach because it hurts your breasts; wearing a bra may even hurt if your breasts are terribly sensitive.


The tissue in our breasts is affected by our reproductive cycle, as noted by the Mayo Clinic. When young girls go through puberty, their breasts become very tender and sensitive. This sensitivity, including soreness, may appear prior to menstrual periods, in the early stages of pregnancy or during menopause. However, some women have breast sensitivity problems on a regular basis but this problem diminishes during pregnancy and menopause, which points to the role that hormones somehow play, one way or another, in breast senstivity. Researchers, however, have yet to pinpoint that a specific hormonal abnormality is responsible for cyclic breast pain.


Non-cyclic breast pain is not associated with hormones but is caused by breast trauma, breasts cysts or previous breast surgery. This pain may actually occur outside of the breast, in the chest wall or in your muscles, heart or joints and radiate to your breast.


If you are undergoing hormone therapy, your breasts may hurt. This is because you are taking estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone causes a woman to retain water which stretches the breast tissue and makes it hurt. Estrogen increases the amount of breast tissue. Some woman continue to complain of breast sensitivity even after menopause, especially if they are continuing to undergo hormone therapy. Anti-depressants like Zoloft and Prozac have been linked to breast pain.

Primose Oil

Some women opt to take primrose oil, which contains GLA or gamma-linolenic acid, which is a fatty acid. This can balance out fatty acids in the woman's cells that, if unbalanced, may be cause breast sensitivity. Gammo-linolenic acid is believed to decrease breast sensitivity and to restore the balance of the fatty acids. Primrose comes in a capsule. Consult with a herbal specialist and your physician to determine the proper dosage.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease/Men with Problems

According to Dr. Hannah Brooks, breast pain and sensitivity can be caused by a fibrocystic breast condition or a hormonal imbalance. Sandhya Pruthi, M.D of the Mayo Clinic explains that fibrocystic breast disease is relatively common and benign. Women who have this condition have lumpy, painful breasts. She recommends that you consult with your doctor if the pain you are experiencing is in one specific area of your breast and if the pain doesn't fluctuate (cyclic) with your menstrual cycle. If you are experiencing a discharge from your nipples, seek medical treatment.

Men can get breast cancer too; however, breast sensitivity isn't necessarily a symptom of breast cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic (See Additional Resources), men who have breast cancer generally have one or more of the following symptoms: Breast mass, bloody nipple discharge or nipple retraction. Breast sensitivity is not listed as a symptom although the above symptoms may well result in breast pain.


If you are pregnant, expect your breasts to become hypersensitive. After the birth, particularly if breastfeeding, your breasts will remain quite sensitive. Initially, you may experience some discomfort while nursing, but this will go away in short order.

Estrogen Over-load

An over-production of estrogen (estrogen over-load) right before your period or while you are going through menopause can result in sore, sensitive breasts. Wear a supportive bra and cut back on you caffeine intake because tea and coffee and colas contain methyl xanthins, which can result in breast tenderness and soreness.

Tags: breast pain, your breasts, breast sensitivity, breast cancer, Mayo Clinic, sensitive breasts, balance fatty