Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Support A Wife Who Has Breast Cancer

Support a Wife Who Has Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a disease that sends shock waves through the entire family. If your wife is diagnosed with the condition, she will need your support and counsel. Time and an open heart are the best gifts you can give her.


1. Be present throughout the medical process. Accompany your wife to doctor's appointments, even if the process is difficult for you logistically and emotionally. If your wife doesn't want you there, stay involved by asking questions without prodding her to reveal anything she finds uncomfortable.

2. Help with household duties. You might be entirely clueless when it comes to turning on the washing machine or cooking spaghetti, but you'll learn. The important thing is that you remove the stress of some household duties from your wife's agenda. However, don't overdo it. Let her do as much as she is able so she doesn't become sedentary.

3. Do small things. Chances are that you know the dozen or so little things that brighten your wife's day. Keep doing these things, even if they don't produce the cheery reaction they used to.

4. Treat her as a person, not a patient. Remember that she is the same person she always was. Part of treating her as the person she is means listening to her problems and feelings, rather than constantly trying to cheer her up.

Tags: your wife, Breast Cancer, household duties, Support Wife, Support Wife Breast, Wife Breast