Friday, April 12, 2013

Avoid Sore Nipples During Breastfeeding

Avoid Sore Nipples During Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the best way for your baby to receive optimal nutrition; however, sore nipples can put a screeching halt to effective breastfeeding. While most mothers feel some degree of soreness in their nipples upon initial latch, it should not remain painful throughout the feeding. If this happens, sore nipples are most likely to blame. Although sore nipples may not be completely avoidable, you can take preventive measures to alleviate the intense irritation.


1. Take a lactation or breastfeeding class during pregnancy. Taking a class is essential in understanding the anatomy and physiology of the breasts, how lactation works, the most effective positions to nurse in, and avoid complications. Lactation classes are taught at hospitals, clinics and pregnancy centers and through independent instructors.

2. Meet with a lactation consultant in the hospital. After you deliver, you can schedule a visit with a lactation consultant. Lactation consultants come to your room and offer helpful tips on breastfeeding, help you and your baby establish a good routine and can troubleshoot any potential problems.

3. Get the correct latch. Make sure that when your baby latches on, he has a wide mouth, almost like a yawn, before you pull him onto your breast. If he doesn't seem to get a wide enough latch, break his suction and try to latch again. Allowing him to nurse on a narrow latch, also called nipple sucking, will most certainly result in a sore nipple.

4. Apply lanolin cream to your nipples when you feed. Lanolin cream helps keep your nipples moist, helps to heal any cracks or sores from nursing and is completely safe for your baby to nurse while it is on your nipples.

5. Change the baby's position throughout breastfeeding. Allowing your baby to nurse in different positions, such as the cradle hold, football hold and lying down, puts pressure on your nipples through different angles and this prevents your nipples from getting sore.

6. Let your nipples air-dry after a bath or feeding. Allowing your nipples to air dry helps them heal faster. For quicker healing, express a drop or two of milk, rub it around your entire nipple and let it air dry. Your milk is naturally healing.

7. Sun your nipples. If you have a place in your home where the sun comes in, sit in front of it for a few minutes a day. Sunlight provides vitamin D, which is very healing for sore, cracked nipples.

Tags: your nipples, your baby, Allowing your, Avoid Sore, Avoid Sore Nipples