Monday, September 24, 2012

Symptoms Of A Silicone Gel Breast Implant Rupture

Symptoms of a Silicone Gel Breast Implant Rupture

Symptoms of a silicone implant rupture vary from person to person. Some may become ill and develop fybromyalgia, while others won't even realize their implant ruptured until they have it replaced years later. The important thing to do is be observant of any changes in overall health, and to get breast implants screened often to ensure they are intact.


According to the FDA's research, women whose silicone implants have ruptured or are leaking may develop fibromyalgia, which is a painful and debilitating disease.

Silent Rupture

It is very possible, if not more common, to have a silent rupture, where the woman doesn't experience any symptoms at all.

Silicone Leakage

When a silicone implant leaks, the leaking silicone can move towards the scar tissue capsule, a thick layer of scar tissue that builds up around the implant after surgery. If the silicone moves towards the scar tissue, it will be contained there, and won't move anywhere else.


It is possible for the silicone to leak outside of the scar tissue capsule and migrate into other parts of the body, like the lymph nodes under the arm and major organs such as the lungs.

Key Symptoms

If a woman's silicone gel implant ruptures, it might feel less full or flatter, and may bulge where the rupture is. This can be accompanied with pain or tenderness, swelling, numbness, burning or tingling.

Tags: scar tissue, silicone implant, Breast Implant, Breast Implant Rupture, Implant Rupture, scar tissue capsule