Monday, February 13, 2012

Help For Low Income People

A low income earner is generally defined as someone who earns an income that places him in the lowest percentile of the income scale. Low income earners may face struggles meeting their basic needs for food, medical care and shelter. Meals may be missed, medical care deferred and substandard housing arrangements used reluctantly. Fortunately, there is financial assistance available to help those who are facing problems with hunger, medical care access or adequate housing.

Food Assistance

Apply for food aid. Financial assistance to help buy meals can come in several forms. Local food pantries exist. Typically people are allowed to come in once during a given period and receive a box of food items without paying for the contents. Food pantries can be funded by local governments or by private charitable and religious organizations. Another form of food assistance is WIC. WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children. WIC is intended to help pregnant women as well as mothers with babies and small children purchase nutritious food items for themselves and their offspring. Users qualify based on income guidelines. They receive checks to purchase certain food items such as peanut butter, eggs, vitamin fortified cereals and fresh vegetables each month. Apply for food stamps. Food stamps are similar to WIC. Users qualify for assistance based on family income and family size. Users are given a certain amount of money each month to spend on food.

Medicaid Coverage

Apply for Medicaid. Medicaid is a state government program designed to allow low income earners the right to access to medical care. Eligibility for Medicaid is based several factors. Such factors include family income, family size, age of family members, immigration status, income, assets, current disability and medical need. Access to Medicaid allows participants to see doctors that accept Medicaid fees, have basic treatment for certain medical procedures and qualify for reduced or fully covered prescriptions. Medicaid may cover all members of a family. Medicaid may also just cover a family's children. Medicaid rules and benefits can vary greatly by state.

Housing Help

Apply for housing assistance. Many different kinds of aid are available to help people meet their need for shelter from the elements. Home heating aid can people pay for fuel costs during cold winters if they own their own home. Emergency shelters are available in certain cities such as New York City. People who are homeless can apply for housing placement immediately. Local housing authorities can grant people Section 8 vouchers. Section 8 vouchers can help people pay to rent a public or private apartment.

Tags: medical care, food items, Apply food, available help, each month, family income