Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Learn About The Recovery Time Of Breast Implant Surgery

Learn About the Recovery Time of Breast Implant Surgery

The recovery time after breast implant surgery will be different for all women. Each woman's body is different from the next. You need to be patient and understand that all times are estimates. Your body could heal faster or slower than the average recovery time. The best thing to do is consult your doctor and wait until you feel ready. Below is a list of what to expect during the recovery time after breast implant surgery.


1. Avoid any lifting, bending or straining right away. Doing any of these activities will cause strain on your incision and on your breast implants and can impede the recovery process.

2. Experiencing pain and soreness is very common during the first 24 to 48 hours. Recovery will be uncomfortable. Your doctor can prescribe pain medication and give you other ideas about relieve the pain, such as gentle exercises. You will feel fatigued and tired, and it is best to have someone stay with you in case you experience any complications like seeping wounds or blood clots.

3. Remove the gauze and dressings a few days after surgery depending on your doctor's orders. These will be replaced with a surgical bra. You will need to have the extra support from the surgical bra for awhile, until your muscles have healed.

4. Returning to work is possible after 1 week. This is if the job does not require heavy lifting or straining. If this is the case, then your doctor will need you to take more time off of work until he is comfortable with you returning.

5. Removing stitches will occur 7 to 10 days after surgery. At this time your doctor will inspect your incision and make sure that everything is healing okay.

6. Experiencing sensitivity in your breasts will be very common during the first few weeks after surgery. To avoid any injury to the breasts or the breast implants, physical contact with the breasts should wait until the sensitivity has subsided. Activity and exercise can continue about 1 month after surgery with a good supporting sports bra.

7. Swelling will occur for about 6 weeks. Once the swelling starts to diminish, the shape of your new breast will start to appear.

8. The coloring of your scars will be bright pink and they will feel firm for about 6 weeks. Then they will start to lighten. They will eventually become almost unnoticeable, but never disappear completely.

Tags: after surgery, your doctor, About Recovery, About Recovery Time, about weeks, after breast