Getting a degree in radiology or sonography requires time, skill and dedication, and requires admittance to a formal training program that combines classroom instruction and clinical, hands-on experience for students. There are approximately 120 two- or four-year accredited programs in diagnostic medical sonography in the United States; accredited radiology programs number close to 1,000. The process of getting a degree is the same for either discipline, although the courses that students must take will differ somewhat between radiology and sonography.
Getting a degree in radiology or sonography
1. Decide which specialty you wish to follow (radiology or sonography).
2. Apply to an accredited program. A list of accredited radiology programs is available at A list of accredited diagnostic medical sonography programs is available at
3. Complete courses in general subjects such as anatomy, physics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, as well as psychology and communication.
4. Complete specialty courses, depending on discipline and complete hands-on clinical training.
5. Obtain your degree upon graduation from the program.
Tags: accredited radiology, accredited radiology programs, degree radiology, degree radiology sonography, diagnostic medical