Thursday, August 22, 2013

What To Ask Your Doctor After A Colonoscopy

Your colonoscopy procedure has been completed, and you are recovering from the sedative. A lot of questions are on your mind about what took place during the procedure and what the doctor may have found while viewing your colon through the colonoscope. Your questions to the doctor about your colonoscopy should be organized and specific. You can prepare them at home ahead of time.

Colonoscopy Results

Ask the doctor if any polyps or abnormal tissue were found during the colonoscopy. If polyps were found, ask how many and if the doctor removed them. Ask if the abnormal tissue was removed and if a biopsy needs to be performed on it to determine if cancer is present.

The Sedative

Ask the doctor how long it will take to fully recover from the sedative you were given and when it will be safe for you to drive again.


Ask the doctor how long you will feel bloated and retain gas, and ask if walking might help to ease the discomfort of the gas. Ask if there are any medications he can give you that would assist you in passing the gas at a faster rate, and ask for medication to ease any abdominal pain that lingers after the procedure.


Ask the doctor how long you can expect to see blood in your underwear and in your bowel movements. Ask him how many hours it is safe for you to pass blood before you must call him. Ask if you should call if you pass blood clots. Some bleeding will occur if the doctor took a biopsy, but a large amount of blood could mean the colon wall was perforated or could indicate other health issues that might require immediate medical attention.


Ask the doctor how high you should allow your temperature to rise before you call him, and ask if it is safe to take medication to lower a fever.

Activities and Follow-Up

Ask the doctor when you might return to work, sports and other day-to-day activities. Ask how soon he would like to see you for a follow-up appointment and how long it will be before another colonoscopy will be scheduled.

Tags: doctor long, long will, abnormal tissue, doctor long will, from sedative, pass blood