Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reasons Why To Sponsor A Child

Sponsoring a child can be rewarding for the whole family.

With less than one sixth of the world's population living in industrialized nations, the majority of earth's inhabitants are living in third world conditions. Sponsoring a child in the U.S., or in the developing world, can be a fulfilling experience for the sponsor child, yourself and your family. Moreover, you can help to feed the over 986 million people who are going hungry today.

Help a Child and Their Community

When sponsoring a child through the major sponsorship organizations, the money goes to the community as well as the child. Your sponsorship helps the chosen child thrive in a village where sponsorship money has supported the development of health care, education, day care, and safe water and nutrition programs. The sponsorship organizations work with the local community and agencies to make sure the money you donate is used to get the community what it needs most.

Global Responsibility

With 12 million children going hungry in the United States, and one child dying every 5.4 seconds from hunger and treatable diseases in the developing world. When you sponsor a child, the funds ensure that your sponsored child is fed and immunized and may help other children in their community as well. By supporting a sponsorship organization that works around the world, you are doing your part to help your global community.

Teach Your Children Compassion

Most children don't ever experience the hardships that hungry and homeless children have to endure. When you sponsor a child through a sponsorship organization, you often have the opportunity to correspond with that child. By allowing your children to be part of the conversation, they can learn what it is like to grow up without all of the luxuries to which they are accustomed. It will also give your children the opportunity to learn about other cultures and areas of the world while being charitable.

Connect with a Child

Children have an un-jaded outlook on life and appreciate every little thing they have. When you sponsor a child, you may receive letters and cards from them, write them back, and share special occasions with them creating a special bond. You will be able to see how your donations are changing your sponsor child's life. This relationship, along with helping your sponsor child survive and thrive, will also give you a sense of purpose and deep appreciation for the little things in your own life.

Tags: sponsor child, When sponsor, When sponsor child, also give, child through, community well