Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Health Poster Ideas

Having students create posters on the subject of good health following a lesson on the subject allows them to apply what they have learned and be creative too. Advise students what is expected of them in creating the project, as well as any particular requirements about the message that they should convey. Display the posters in the classroom so the students can share their ideas, or perhaps have a poster contest to inspire more creative thinking.

Healthy Eating

A poster project on healthy eating habits is especially suited to younger students who are just learning about food groups and healthy foods in general. When developing the project for young students, give them a sentence to fill in that allows them to target their poster toward a theme. Sentences such as, "The four food groups are..." will prompt students to develop posters about the food groups. Supply the students with poster board, crayons, paints or markers and allow them to come up with their own ideas to tell, in pictures, about the food groups they have learned about.

Healthy Habits

Healthy habits involve such things as washing your hands and washing your face. Tell young students to create their own health related poster on healthy habits with a slogan, as well as a picture demonstrating at least one healthy habit. You may need to work with students to develop ideas for a slogan, depending on how young the children are. You can use well-known children's advertisements to demonstrate what slogans are and how the pictures in those ads help promote a product or idea.

Dental Health

National Children's Dental Health Month is in February each year. It is customary at this time for schools to offer free or reduced cost dental screenings and bring in dental health professionals to speak to students about oral hygiene. Therefore, February is also the perfect month for students to apply ideas that they have learned about dental health in a poster project. Poster topics may include elements such as proper teeth brushing, flossing or general tooth care.

Don't Do Drugs

Despite the best efforts of national, state and local agencies and organizations, drugs are a recurring problem in the schools. Therefore, teaching lessons about drug use, bringing speakers to your school to talk to the students about drugs and having students participate in drug-free activities are always vitally important to promote understanding. Following a lesson or presentation about drug use, have the students, at any grade level, develop their own drug-free poster design and slogan. Display the posters around the school to share what the students have learned with the rest of the student body.

Tags: food groups, have learned, about food, about food groups, they have, they have learned, about drug