Monday, August 27, 2012

Things To Say In A Get Well Card

Things to Say in a Get Well Card

Stuck for ideas when it comes to writing messages in get well cards? Sometimes you can find the perfect get well card in the store. Other times, it's important to write the message yourself. Even if the card contains a wonderful sentiment, you may want to include a personal comment for the recipient.


The severity of an illness may help you determine the type of comments that may be appropriate. If the person is facing death, show him or her respect and use your comment as an opportunity to express how much you care. Often, the best approach is a simple sentiment such as, "My thoughts are with you. Please know you can call on me at any time."


The beliefs of the person to whom you're writing may influence the comments you make. You should not use the get well card as an opportunity to push your beliefs on others. If, however, the person shares your beliefs, mentioning religion in your comment can be comforting. For instance, you can add a note that says, "I know God's love is with you as you heal."


Your relationship with the person may help determine what type of message is appropriate. If this is someone close to you, your note can be personal and encouraging. If this is an acquaintance, still offer encouragement that's suitable to the severity of the person's illness. A quick note, such as "I hope you feel better soon," lets the person know you're sending good wishes.


Considered the recipient's preferences when you're writing a get well message. Does this person love to laugh? If his or her illness is not too severe, a humorous remark can help lighten the mood. For instance, a friend sick with a cold can be teased with remarks such as, "Now I finally have a good excuse to avoid you." When it comes to humor, have a couple of people review your comment before sending the card to the patient. Make sure the comment is funny, not hurtful.


The age of the recipient may help you decide what type of message will have the greatest impact. With young patients, often a cute drawing or smiley face will let the person know you care. For children who can read, look for a card featuring a favorite cartoon character. For a teen, select a card that features bright colors and a positive, upbeat message.

Tags: your comment, help determine, person know, Things Well, Things Well Card, type message