Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Latest Discoveries In Technology

Almost every day, a new invention or technological breakthrough is happening right under our very noses. Technology has been known to open many doors for us. Innovations play an important role in societal modifications, communications and human explorations. Here are some of the latest discoveries in technology.

Thin Air Writing

Modern research has given birth to an electronic glove that allows you to write in thin air. It looks very similar to a fingerless bike glove, but it has a built-in sensory computer program. This glove has 17 electronic patches that are sensitive to feeling muscle actions in your hand. It can recognize when you trace letters of the alphabet.

Virtual Reality Mapping

New gaming software has taken a sensory leap for the blind. Virtual games are being built to help navigate players through real buildings and subway tunnels. This is done with a keyboard, using spectral sounds to create spacial surroundings to offer a mapping system for the blind.

Touching Holograms

Japanese scientists are steps away from creating technology that will display a hologram and allow you to actually feel it. Most holograms are seen on credit cards or DVD cases. Now, scientists have created ultrasonic waves that can simulate a certain field of real pressure when you touch the surface of a hologram.

Mobility Invention

Honda has invented a personal mobility device--called U3-X--that looks like a high-tech version of a unicycle. This device is small and unobtrusive. It has tiny motor-controlled wheels within one larger wheel that lets you glide in any direction. It stands upright like a stool and travels approximately 3.7 miles per hour.

Bacteria Drawings

Scientists are genetically engineering E. coli bacteria to create outlines of designed images. Their drawing creations include the silhouetted face of filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. They basically rely on the bacteria's cells to detect light and dark, creating either black or white pigments. One cell is considered one pixel. It takes about 12 hours for a picture to form.

Sound Blasters

Police departments have introduced long-range sound weapons that can blast a three-mile radius from a particular spot. It has a shrill warning sound that can reach a maximum of 151 decibels. It can be as loud as a jet engine and is powerful enough for sound damage to occur.

Photosynth 3-D Viewing

Innovations in Microsoft's photo-stitching technology lets you to see models of cities through the use of thousands of pictures, all compiled by an advanced algorithm. A digital model of Rome can be executed with the help of 150,000 pictures taken by tourists and posted in Flickr. This algorithm can match photos, zoom in on angles and use parallel processing to achieve a 3-D model.
