Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Get Big Chest Muscles

The pectoral muscles or pecs are the primary muscles that a person needs to exercise to get big chest muscles. The best way to develop big chest muscles is by lifting weights. Chest exercises are designed to build the upper, middle and lower pecs as well as shape them and give them a fuller look.


Building A Bigger Chest

1. Find a place such as a basement where you can work out, or join a gym. Commit to doing two chest workouts per week.

2. Put a relatively light weight on both sides of a barbell. Lie on a flat bench, grab the bar at slightly more than shoulder width, and lift it off the rack with both hands. Inhale as you lower the weight to the middle of your chest; then exhale as you push the weight of the barbell back up until your arms are nearly extended. Do 10 repetitions, add more weight, and repeat another set for 8 to 10 repetitions. Do a third set with a little more weight for six to eight repetitions. Finish off your bench press with one more set using additional weight (doing about six repetitions).

3. Add a slightly lighter weight to the bar on your incline bench. Lift the bar off the rack, and inhale as you lower the barbell down to the upper part of your chest. Exhale as you push the barbell back up, and extend your arms. Do 10 repetitions on the first set. Then gradually add more weight each set until you have performed four total sets. Stay between 6 to 10 repetitions for all of your sets.

4. Grab two relatively light dumbbells on the flat bench. Hold the dumbbells parallel to one another with your arms extended over your chest. Inhale and slowly lower both dumbbells down at each side while keeping your arms bent at a 30-degree angle. Stretch your pecs at the bottom of the movement; then exhale as you raise the dumbbells back up as if you are hugging a big tree. Click the dumbbells together at the top of the movement and squeeze your pecs. Then lower the weight back down. Do four sets of 10 repetitions.

5. Perform the same exact movements as the previous exercise (flat bench flyes) but do them on the incline bench (incline flyes). Do four sets of 10 repetitions.

Tags: your arms, flat bench, more weight, your chest, barbell back