Thursday, October 8, 2009

Describe Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition of the foot which causes extreme pain in the heel, particularly upon getting out of bed in the morning. Healing can be very slow, as resting the foot completely is often impossible.


The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot from heel to toe. When this band becomes inflamed, the result is called plantar fasciitis.


Sharp heel pain, particularly intense with the first steps taken each morning, is the most obvious symptom of plantar fasciitis. Only one foot may be affected, and the intensity of the pain may increase gradually over time if no treatment is used.


Repeated stretching and tearing of the plantar fascia causes inflammation. Runners often get plantar fasciitis, as do overweight people, pregnant women, and those who wear shoes with insufficient support.


Rest, stretches, anti-inflammatory medications, orthotics, night splints and surgery are treatment options for plantar fasciitis.

Fun Fact

Plantar fasciitis has been referred to as the "flip flop disease" by some podiatrists, as this flimsy footwear is often worn daily during warm weather seasons.

Tags: plantar fascia, plantar fasciitis