Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rural Health Care Grants

Health care grants can improve medical care in rural areas.

Health care costs can be strain on any budget, but when you live in the country your health care choices are even more limited. CNN says that in 2010, there were 66 million people in rural areas who did not have adequate health care. Rural Americans are often not able to find a local doctor and the nearest hospitals may be miles away. Rural areas also have trouble supporting the same level of quality health care enjoyed by urban Americans. The Federal government has made a commitment to increasing quality health care in rural areas and offers grants to fund new rural health projects.

Flex Rural Veterans Health Access Program

The Flex Rural Veterans Health Access Program offered $900,000 in 2010 to fund programs to increase the delivery of mental health and other health care to veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom who have returned from war and are now living in rural areas. They fund small rural hospitals that can provide direct care to veterans and make appropriate referrals to Veterans Administration hospitals as needed.

Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative

The Centers for Disease Control had $20 million available in 2010 for rural hospitals, community centers and faith-based agencies to create a program to address the high incidence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, tobacco and nutrition problems in the Mississippi Delta area. The grant is available to local health care agencies, hospitals and other community nonprofits.

Frontier Community Health Integration Demonstration Program

This grant for $750,000 was available in 2010 to any public or nonprofit agency located in a rural area. The Rural Health Research Center, which awards the grant, was looking for an agency to develop exemplary programs that work with local health care providers to increase access to acute and extended care. They will also develop programs to improve the regulatory and financial pressures faced by Medicare and Medicaid programs in rural areas.

Tags: health care, rural areas, Access Program, available 2010, care rural, care rural areas