Thursday, February 19, 2009

About Xray Techs

In studying the variety of fields associated with X-ray technicians, you will find a diverse profession entailing several options in relative working environments. X-ray technicians use radiography to determine and diagnose varied conditions. They work in a variety of different departments and use diverse methods to accomplish identifying specific situations.

The Facts

X-ray technicians are taught in the field of health care. Receiving specific training in manipulation of x-ray equipment, gives them the ability to take pictures of the inside of the body. These pictures are called radiographs. With the pictures, x-ray technicians can visualize and diagnose injuries, diseases, and conditions, playing a major role in the patient's recovery. An x-ray technician has the choice of a variety of fields. Choosing a field to work in will be mostly related to the interests of the specific technician.


Each x-ray technician has the choice of which field of study they would prefer. Jobs in this occupation include working in doctor offices, dental offices, hospitals, clinics, and in homes of people recovering from illness. While working in doctor's offices, hospitals and clinics, technicians x-ray various parts of a patient's body for diagnosing illnesses or injury. In a dental office, x-ray technicians photograph pictures of the teeth and gums to help dentists identify the need for repair.

Time Frame

In working toward completing certification towards becoming an x-ray technician, you will be trained in the separate, specific fields of the career application. A formal education in the radiology field ranges from one to four years. You can choose to strive towards a certificate, an associate degree or a bachelor's degree. The more years you commit to study, you will have more career options available to choose from including training in MRIs, Sonograms and CAT scans.


Wilhelm Roentgen was responsible for discovering the radiation particles used in x-rays. While experimenting on the effects of cathode rays, he noticed that when current was passed through, rays were given off that passed through other materials. These rays were a new form of radiation to study. After spending two months investigating the new form of radiation, Wilhelm presented his findings to the University Physical-Medical Society, sharing his recent discovery. Roentgen's discovery eventually led to a new field of medical research, allowing doctors to view the inside of the human body.

Risk Factors

Though x-ray technicians have a rewarding career helping patients achieve wellness through diagnosis, it does not come without risks. X-rays are associated with the formation of certain cancers. There are safety protocols to protect x-ray technicians from the harmful effects of the radiation. The protocols include covering the specific parts of the body that are vulnerable to the radiations effects, with lead. Technicians also stand behind a lead wall for protection from the rays. X-ray technicians wear a badge that measures the levels of radiation in the area, and also keep a detailed list of cumulative exposure.

Tags: x-ray technician, x-ray technicians, associated with, doctor offices, form radiation, hospitals clinics, offices hospitals