Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Breast Augmentation Pros & Cons

There are benefits and drawbacks of breast augmentation surgery. It could be wonderful as a corrective procedure or to give a woman a fuller appearance. However, it is important to do research on the subject so you understand some of the possible repercussions to the surgery.

Symmetry and Fullness

Breast augmentation surgery is effective in creating body symmetry in women who feel self-conscious about their natural breasts. Breast implants usually create a fuller, perkier look. The surgery can make women feel more comfortable in their clothes and more confident.


While breast augmentation can be a boost to a woman's ego, it can have the opposite effect as well. It is important to have a healthy self-image when going into any cosmetic surgery. Many times, women are not satisfied with the end result, simply because their expectations were too high. If a woman goes into the surgery with realistic goals, the outcome will be much healthier for the individual.

Reconstructive Benefits

After a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery is the last step in the physical healing process. Women who have gone through extensive surgery and chemotherapy can now return to their womanly bodies after having the trauma of surgery and breast removal. This not only creates a more natural appearance, but with helps with self-esteem and image.

Risks of Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, like any other surgery, has risks, such as complications with anesthesia and infection shortly after the procedure. There are, however, some complications specific to breast augmentation. Implants can rupture, ripple and even harden because of scar tissue. In each case, the only solution is surgery to correct the issue. In cases in which an infection is present, the implant has to be removed until the infection is completely gone and then replaced months later with another surgery.

Pain of Surgery

Painful swelling is present after surgery. Patients get extremely tired after surgery and may need someone to help with day-to-day issues for about the first week. It takes months for breasts to reduce to their final size, and they will be sensitive until they do. Regular routines, such as strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects, must be avoided to allow the body to heal without injury.

Financial Strain

Breast augmentation, except sometimes under reconstructive surgery, is not covered by insurance and can cost several thousands of dollars. In addition, if complications arise, additional surgeries may be needed. Add in doctor visits, and this can add up to a hefty bill. Remember that anytime an implant is placed inside the body, it likely will have to be replaced at some point, so another surgery is also on the radar.

Tags: augmentation surgery, after surgery, another surgery, Breast augmentation, breast augmentation, Breast augmentation surgery, reconstructive surgery