Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Check Your Breasts

After a bath or shower is a good time to examine your breasts.

Breast self-exams allow a woman to become familiar with the look and feel of her breasts. This makes her more cognizant of any changes in her breasts that could indicate health problems such as cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends women begin performing self breast exams once they reach the age of 20. There is a simple technique you can use when you are ready to begin regular examinations of your breasts, and you can use it to examine your breasts every month.


1. Stand topless in front of the mirror. Square your shoulders with the mirror and place your hands on your hips.

2. Visually inspect your breasts. Look for changes in shape, color or size as well as swelling or distortion.

3. Raise your arms above your head and look for the changes again. Examine your nipples for fluid leakage.

4. Lie down on your back and place your left arm behind your head. Hold the index and middle fingers of the right-hand flat and together. Place the two fingers at the top left corner of the left breast near your collarbone.

5. Using the pads of the two fingers, firmly touch the breast to feel for lumps. Move the fingers in smooth small circles about the size of a quarter. Continue moving the fingers vertically down the side of the breast until you reach the bottom left corner.

6. Slide the fingers over to the next unexamined portion on the right. Use the same circular motion to travel back up the breast to the collar bone.

7. Slide your fingers to the right again and travel back down the breast. Continue moving up and down the breast until you have checked the entire breast from top to bottom and right to left. Lower your left arm when you are done.

8. Place your right arm behind your head. Use your left hand and the same motions to examine your right breast.

9. Sit or stand up. Lift your left arm straight over your head. Use your right hand and the same technique you used while lying to examine the entire left breast again. Repeat the exam on your right breast as well.

Tags: your breasts, your head, your left, your right, behind your, behind your head