Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ekg Technician Salaries

EKG technicians perform diagnostic medical tests called electrocardiograms, which measure the electrical activity of patients' hearts. A high school diploma or GED is typically the minimum education necessary to work in the field; employers provide on-the-job training for new EKG techs. These training programs usually last four to six weeks, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As of November 2010, EKG technicians earned an average of $11.04 to $15.15 per hour or $22,963 to $31,512 annually, according to PayScale.


Work experience influenced the average salaries of EKG technicians explains PayScale. Entry-level technicians with less than one year experience averaged salaries of $20,321 to $27,726 per year as of November 2010, while those with one to four years experience earned an average of $22,214 to $29,182. With five to nine years experience, technicians made an average of $23,961 to $31,408 annually. EKG technicians with 20 years experience or more received average annual salaries of $28,828 to $38,272.

Employer Type

The type of employer for which she worked affected an EKG tech's average annual salary as of November 2010, reports PayScale. Hospitals paid an average of $22,568 to $30,284 per year, while private practices and firms paid $25,729 to $37,793. EKG techs employed by incorporated companies received average annual salaries of $29,827 to $39,353 and were among the highest paid. Those working for non-profit organizations averaged $18,054 to $42,598 per year.


Earning voluntary professional certifications affected the average annual salary of EKG technicians as of November 2010. Requirements for these certifications vary, but typically involve the completion of some type of examination. Technicians who held certification as a Certified Cardiographic Technician from Cardiovascular Credentialing International earned an average of $28,204 to $34,860 per year. Those who had Certified Nursing Assistant licensing from their respective states averaged annual salaries of $22,505 to $30,201.


Salaries for EKG techs varied throughout different regions of the United States, according to PayScale reporting as of November 2010. Technicians working in California enjoyed the highest average annual rates of pay at $27,227 to $42,473. Pennsylvania was the second highest-paying state, where EKG technicians earned an average of $30,222 to $40,560 per year. Other high-paying states for EKG techs included Illinois and New York, where workers earned salaries of $31,000 or more per year.

Tags: average annual, November 2010, earned average, annual salaries, average year