Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Fruit Is Best For Breast Enlargement

Fruits Can Promote Breast Enlargement

Certain fruits contain estrogen, and they all contribute to the overall health of your body. The high percentage of fiber is what helps fruits contribute to bust size. Eating fruits not only makes your breasts look fuller, but they are a safe alternative to drugs or surgery.


Apples are high in estrogen, with three grams of fiber. Eating apples is your best bet to increase your bust size, if eaten on a regular basis. They also contain bromine, which produces sex hormones in the body.


The high fiber content of cherries could help increase breast size. Cherries also contain estrogen, which helps regulate the levels of testosterone in your body.


Grapes contain bromine, which stimulates sex hormones for breast enlargement. Supplements made of extracted grape seeds are also effective.


Tomatoes are high in fiber. A regular diet which includes tomatoes may increase bust size.


Pomegranates contain estrogen, which stimulates breast enhancement.

Tags: bust size, contain estrogen, also contain, Breast Enlargement, bromine which, contain bromine, contain bromine which