Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Uneven Breast Development In Girls

Uneven Breast Development in Girls

Uneven breast development, or asymmetry, is a common problem faced by teenage girls. This condition causes a great deal of embarrassment and psychological stress. Surgical treatment is available for severe asymmetry.


Breast development is triggered by the estrogen hormone. The breasts grow for approximately two years before the first menstrual cycle and then for several more years after that. Women's Health Resource indicates that girls often experience asymmetry during development as one size grows faster or slower than the other. Doctors assume that asymmetry is the result of genetics.


The problem often disappears once the breasts have finished developing. Women's Health Resource adds that a certain amount of asymmetry is normal in most adult women. Most breasts that are less than a cup size in difference do not require surgical intervention.

Surgical Correction

Breast asymmetry involving differences larger than a cup size or breasts that are also shaped differently from one another can be treated with cosmetic surgery. Procedures include augmentation or implants, reductions and reshaping.

Tags: Breast Development Girls, breasts that, Development Girls, Health Resource, than size